3 definitions by moondrop

An abnormal and annoying personal trait that is unstoppable, automatic, and perceived by the individual as perfectly normal. We all have them and they are made specifically to anger others. These can be discussed by others by names, for example, an Arthur-ism. a Janet-ism, etc. Those who know these people will automatically KNOW what is being discussed. But the individual will remain utterly clueless. Isms are beloved by the holder, who clings to his/her ism with defensiveness and righteousness.
Mike spends a lot of time shopping for milk. First he looks at the dates. After about 5 minutes he locates a good one, pulls it off the shelf and feels the bottom of the carton. Reject. He puts it back and repeats the scenario. His wife knows this is going to take a long time and that it is just an ism of Mike's, so she goes to the ice cream section and enjoys until he shows up with one carton. This may take up to 15 minutes.

Joan puts lotion on her feet after every bath or shower. But she always makes sure the lotion does not get on her toes. Her friends watch her speechlessly but accept this as her ism. One time Lucy asked Joan why she did this, but Joan just asked, "What?" Lucy rolled her eyes at everyione in the room and all of their eyes deepened in acknowledgement.
by moondrop November 10, 2013
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A room a man has claimed as his own personal space. He goes here to be alone, leaving the entire responsibility of watching the children, cleaning and cooking, etc., to the female of the house. She never needs a woman cave or a break because she is a woman. Only the man needs this special break and space as he is the one who is most pitiful. He blames much of this on the woman, and must hide away in mutiny that she dare expect anything of him.
His wife asked him to help watch the children so he retreated to his man cave, thereby giving the entire responsibility to her while he took a break.
by moondrop September 3, 2017
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"Hey sweetie" is the name of, or type of a message given to an "idiot" who has blasted his or her idiocy publicly, particularly on the Internet or Facebook, that is almost guaranteed to come back to kick him or her to the curb. This type of comment is best done by old folks as the "hey sweetie" must be "put up with" because he/she is an old person doing it. If done by a peer it would be condescending. So when grandma private messages, "Hey, sweetie, ..." it is best to wake up and pay close attention. You have made a bad mistake that more experienced people see as your great fall coming soon.
You put out there on Facebook, "My boss is an ass. Last night he asked me to.........." So when grandma reads this and realizes this WILL probably make its way back to your boss in some way, AND you will get fired, AND you will not get unemployment, she may send you a hey sweetie. This is done to get your error across to you, SYA (that is save your ass), correct you, but make every effort not to offend you by calling you "Hey, Sweetie".
by moondrop May 1, 2015
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