26 definitions by monkiki

To fool with something. To fix, tinker, mess with.
by monkiki February 25, 2005
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Ann Coulter.

A vile lying facist nazi party doll anorexic piglet that will do anything to get attention even make herself look like a complete fool 24/7.
Daivd Letterman show reported that Bill Clinton IS gay but only when it comes to evil crazy bitches(like Ann Coulter). To explain why he wasn't hitting on her bony ass... only rednecks and neocons like that disgusting SKELEWHORE.
by monkiki July 30, 2006
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Sarah Palin. A gun toting, creationist Alaskan succestionist that "prays away gays". Elected governor of Alaska since 2006,previously mayor of a small town population 6,000. Before that she was a beauty queen/moose hunter. She has a pregnant teen and belongs to a church that does not believe in birth control methods.
The Pittbull delivered a speech at the 2008 RNC - which was hailed by the media as "knock out punch". She said sarcastic, accusatory things about democrats supporting terrorism, raising taxes, growing the government (the usual Karl Rove talking points), insulting a huge swath of the USA while wearing a big grin.

David Letterman thinks she was a Lenscrafters model.
Palin's speech was memorable! The media slobbered like pavlovian dogs! Divisionism and gay bashing is back! Yippee

But, can that nasty pittbull with lipstick be left in charge of our country if God forbid, McCain who is 72, falls ill?
by monkiki September 9, 2008
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1. (kaviar)Poop eaten for sexual gratification.

2. (Kaviar)An Album of the same name by dead artist Songwriter Kevin Gilbert that is astonishing. Finished post mortem it is one of the best alltime techo-prog rock albums, if you like his dark and twisted stuff.
I bought the album and it was terrific, but i didnt know what KAVIAR meant... til I saw it on German television. ewwwwwwwww!!!
by monkiki March 27, 2005
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Am emperialistic family that should be banned from politics. Fake Texan oil barons who pander to the Elite interests of companies such as Enron and Halliburton.

Barbara Bush, the current matron, is most recently known for birthing the retard "Dubya", a mental midget who has been a convenient "puppet ruler" for a gang of bloodthirsty hoodlums, among them Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, who straggled in from the Nixon era to start WW3, if not the Apocalypse.

Probably the downfall of Western Civilization, much like the last Roman Emperors, where the blood grew weaker and weaker due to inbreeding ..finally ending the Empire.
"Al Franken is drafting a petition to Congress banning any member of the Bush Family from running for President"
by monkiki June 4, 2006
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1. A tape worm.

2. Well known weird garage surf band.
Looks ath the cover of "Indendant Worm Saloon" by the BHS
by monkiki February 25, 2005
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Nicknamed "The Pittbull With Lipstick", the trooper-scandal-ear-mark-queen-ebay-airplane-lies-ethics-investigated VEEPchoice for the Republican Party 2008.

In a last ditch desperate response to the 80,000 people cheering Obama and his wife at the DNC , the Rovian McCain campaign decided to pull a fast one. They added a 'woman' to their ticket, perhaps hoping to spark some media interest, after noting the boring and sleep enducing effect McCain has on TV watchers.

It was effective. She was on the cover of People magazine immediately.

A creationist, angry, super religious, anti-gay, gun enthusiast and former member of the Alaskan Successionists (who hate America so much they want to actually NOT be American anymore), she gave new energy to the media's otherwise lackluster coverage of the republican convention.

She was a beauty queen, very pretty, and able to make nasty, extreme speeches blasting her oponenent with facts that are not based on reality - all the while wearing a snide smile.

Not surprisingly, neocons, gay haters, rednecks and religious wingnuts rally around her like flies on a pudding pop.
Q: What's the difference between Bush and Sarah Palin?
A: Lipstick

David Letterman thinks Sarah Palin is a Lenscrafters model.
by monkiki September 9, 2008
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