26 definitions by monkiki

1. A killer of simulated humans called REPLICANTS - clone robots genetically engineered to be way stronger and at least as smart as their creators. In the Ridley Scott movie, a police officer who is authorized to kill these beings is called a Blade Runner.

2. Blade Runner: Syd Mead did the concept art for this awsome flick based on Philip K Cicks novel "Do Andriod Dream of Electric Sheep". Best film ever according to millions of Science Fiction geeks, including me -- until DEADMAN -- a Jarmusch film starring Johnny Depp --outplaced it as the best film of all time.
Sushi restaraunt guy: "He say you blade runner"

Harrison Ford: "Tell him I'm eating"
by monkiki April 6, 2005
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Same as a Camel Toe - when a woman's pants are so tight you can see the cleavage of her vagina lips.
You aren't wearing those spandex bike pants are you? ... they show off way too much beaverage!
by monkiki August 4, 2005
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Nickname for Ann Coulter because she has what appears to be an adam's apple, probably due to her advanced age and extreme anorexia. BTW, it's not putting down drag queens, its a slur at her lack of femininity as well as blatant lack of humanity. She is hated by anyone with a sense of human decency.
Man Coulter's adam's apple was very visible today on Faux News. It was bobbling while s/he spewed more annoying hate speech. Man Coulter's ten times the man Bill O'Reilly is.
by monkiki November 15, 2007
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All the states,with the possible exception of Washington D.C. which may be ultraviolet, since it's constituency votes at about 97% democrat.
Even the most conservative states are purple because they vote at least 40% democratic, and as we all know that would make them all various shades of purple states -- ranging from magenta to ultraviolet.

There are no red or blue states, only purple states.
by monkiki November 6, 2006
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A style of painting emerging in the late 60s and early 70s that depicts perfect representation as in a photo. Subject matter is often mundane items like truckstops and shiny cars or toys.
The leading members of the Photorealist movement are Richard Estes and Chuck Close. Photorealism is really shiny.
by monkiki July 18, 2006
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A term used to describe art that is funky weird or unusual, usually sort of primitive and that doesn't come from the snooty art scene, but from just plain old folks. It can be disturbing, funny or just sweet. Folk art of the urban experience.
I keyed in "Outsider Art" on ebay and I found a bunch of wall sculptures by this chick that used plastic toys nailed to crosses! I bought the Xena one.
by monkiki April 22, 2005
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To fool with something. To fix, tinker, mess with.
by monkiki February 25, 2005
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