47 definitions by moi

"Yo Hitler, eat shit and die! Hey Dude who stole my newspaper: eat shit and live, you bastard!"
by moi April 9, 2004
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'sweet' with a lisp
Dude, I jusht got my retainersh, itshn't it shweet?
by moi April 26, 2003
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when a bunch of fresh smelling white boys get together and chase a negro through the feilds (particularly one smelling of raw fish and dity bacon) for pleasure and selfindulgnces. While doing this it is key to degrade him and make him strongly aware of his intense body odor due to years of not bathing. The goal of the game is to get more negros into a burlap sack than your opponent can. once this is completed you may take them to your local jail or taunt them with koolaid and kfc.
"Yo dog i bagged five more monkeys than you last night"

"i still smell like a gorillas asshole from playing baggit three weeks ago"
by moi February 11, 2005
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Usually meaning females name known 2 be amazing and cool, although sometimes has lizard features
Lidias ginger and eats lizards
by moi June 21, 2004
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Underapreciated music
by moi April 24, 2004
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"Wow, this fsh has no eyes..."
by moi October 20, 2003
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