6 definitions by moffboy

The fart that you let out that is really going around the poop that is already in your butt hole. It is the few farts you usually let out on the way to the bowl if it is just a bit too far. As they go around the poop in your butt and come out they stink worst than most normal farts.
The poop is kind of blocking the fart...hence the word "BLART"
Bro, don't by the copy machine. I just blarted over there on the way to the bathroom
by moffboy September 25, 2013
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The act of leaving your underwear on around your ankles while taking a poop before you are about to jump in the shower. Most people would rather leave their underwear on while on the bowl as to keep some sort of order in their poop routine. Doing it naked is just anarchy.
Yo son...you take a dump naked? That's crazy bro. I got to be Fruit of the Looming before my pre shower dump.
by moffboy October 2, 2013
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Taking a conference call or Webex meeting while going # 2
Stephanie....OMG the conference call was so long and I had to take a viscous dump so I went into the bathroom stall with my headset so I could confecate and not miss any of the meeting.
by moffboy October 14, 2017
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Any guy that wears an outerwear vest to the office or a night on a town in an attempt to class up their outfit. These guys usually have an assortment of vests in their clothing arsenal.
Bro..you see Chuck over there by the copier with his Vest again? Yeah son...that dude is a Sir Vestalot!
by moffboy February 7, 2017
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The act of farting in the oval X-ray Machine at any airport for the next passenger to walk into the stench you just left in your wake
"Dude, this lady at security kept bumping we with her bags while on line at the TSA Checkpoint. It's alright though I left her a little TSA spray to show my appreciation"
by moffboy March 3, 2020
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When you are at work and have just taken a vicious dump. The process of waiting in the stall until whichever people are in the bathroom do not witness you leaving the stall and implicate you in your horrific act of defiling the bathroom
Bro, I had to do the Stool Stall for like 5 minutes. Chuck was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and combing his hair. I had to wait him out.
by moffboy March 23, 2017
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