12 definitions by mockschmock

Pronounced "SIFT". Acronym for Shut Your Fucking Trap.
Monica - "Hey Chandler, have you picked up your dirty underpants off the kitchen floor yet, you rancid fart?"
Chandler - "Syft, Whore."

Excerpt from "The One Where Chandler And Monica Have A Row But Make Up By The End"
by mockschmock December 13, 2006
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Passed away. Expired. Vacated this worldly plain. Snuffed it.
Also Throw a seven
Mrs Tiggywinkle? It's PC Bobs, here. I'm afraid I have some upsetting news. Your husband was crossing the M4 and, well I'm afraid he bought the farm. Squashed flatter than a witch's tit. He was.
We scraped Him up as best we could. He's in this bucket. I shouldn't look if I were you.
by mockschmock December 12, 2006
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Violent, unpredictable and rather unpleasant bout of "Delhi Belly".
Sudden, malodorous and disconcerting onset of liquifaction of one's latest meal.
"We'd best leave now, sir, you have a bad case of galloping gut rot."
"I know, but let me just sign this treaty, first."
(PM Tony Blair to President Bush, Circa 2004)
by mockschmock December 7, 2006
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Expletive to be used when a simple "Shit!" just won't cut the mustard.
Oh buggering arseholes, I've sent the porn subscription to Aunt Mabel and the get well soon card to Paul Raymond Publishing.
by mockschmock December 12, 2006
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Expression of surprise, quite long but effective at getting all the surprisedness out in one breath. For 'ragman' think Steptoe/Sanford & Son. Aha.
by mockschmock December 8, 2006
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In Devon (West of England), an idle, slow and incompetent person who is no use to man nor beast. Just like a slack fanny (whether British or American), someone who does a poor job of whatever they are meant to be doing.
'That Pete's such a slack fanny. Three bloody years I've been waiting for him to look at my roof.'
by mockschmock December 8, 2006
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