3 definitions by mmolloy41

To steal something you want from an establishment (regardless of your current financial situation).
I wanted some new shorts for spring break, so I just borrowed a few pairs from my local department store.
by mmolloy41 April 19, 2011
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An offshoot of the more traditional bonfire, a brofire is when a group of bros gather around a fire and do fun things.
Dude I'm feeling a brofire in the near future. That last one had me feeling fantastic, and I was on the verge of tears from the vibe we had going.
by mmolloy41 May 5, 2011
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The phenomena of your penis accidentally falling out of your boxers through the front opening of your boxers.
I was walking around in my house when I noticed part of my penis felt cooler than the rest. Silly me, I didn't buy the boxers with the button in the front. I had a boner blooper.
by mmolloy41 September 19, 2010
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