231 definitions by mlhiss

Brutal and more subtle strategies and tactics by the politicians, police, courts, corporations, and the 1% to suppress the right to free speech and the right to public assembly with regards to social, economic, and political justice. This is often done in the form shooting war veterans in the face with rubber bullets, tear gassing and beating and arresting defenceless bystanders, woman, children, protesters and the press with clubs and military like assaults. The beatings and violence suppression tactics are purported to be for public health and safety purposes (of the 1%).

This is often in contrast to the suppressors efforts to accommodate a small minority within the 1% (.0001% that destroyed the economy) by failing to enforce laws, writing new laws to make illegal activities legal, and providing perverse incentives, perverse subsidies, perverse bonuses, perverse tax breaks, perverse corporate transfer of wealth from the shareholders to the top management that increase social and economic injustice and destroy the economy for the 99%. The brutal tactics are supplemented by much more repressive tactics governmental by goons of the 1% that write laws and self-regulate their activities, since these methods are more pervasive and detrimental to the 99.9%
Someone should talk to the Koch Brothers about sponsoring a tea party for the Mayors and Governors to discuss improved methods for "gooning for the 1%". These Occupy Wall Street people are getting to be a public nuisance, and want to slow the transfer of wealth and power from the poor to the rich. The Occupiers also want to criminalize illegal activities of the 1%.
by mlhiss November 15, 2011
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To speak truthfully, without brown nosing or without being patronizing or without being sensitive and kind.
Susan did not pull any punches when she told Bobby what she thought of him running over her brother in the living room when Bobby was drunk and high on drugs and put the car in drive instead of reverse.

Yea, she tends to use a sledge hammer and nail to driver her point in.

I guess she figures it will stick to him that way.
by mlhiss May 12, 2008
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Phantom pain is the pain amputees feel in the place where they have lost a limb. Initially it is hard for some to grasp the fact that they have lost a limb, because they can feel intense pain where their limb was. There are methods to reorient the mind so that the pain goes away or is greatly reduced.

Also relates to the imagined pain a person feels when someone they love disappears from their life.
Sarge, I think I have been hit, I got this horrible pain in my left leg.

Don't worry private, it is only phantom pain you are feeling, we got your leg in a secure location, where no buddy can cause it harm.
by mlhiss April 8, 2008
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Running mate, political successor or protege.
The vice presidential choice has become the political living will of the president. In the past some Presidential condidates picked a wacko vice presidential candidate to assure they were not assassinated or impeached.
by mlhiss August 3, 2020
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Dog or cat or other furry house pet that is a surrogate for a child.
After Jean slept through the wake up alarm on her biological time clock, she decided to have a fur child.
by mlhiss December 27, 2011
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Immunity from believing everything you hear, especially faux news, conspiracy theories and lying politicians.
I was grateful for having "Heard Immunity" after the preacher said people would be having sex with cows if his candidate did not win.
by mlhiss October 22, 2020
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Unplanned Explosion.
Just after take off the rocket made an unscheduled rapid disassembly.
by mlhiss April 20, 2023
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