231 definitions by mlhiss

A dysfunctional condition created when those of extreme wealth such as the 0.1% use their power and enablers to disproportional influence beholden politicians to generate highly distorted institutional policies that unfairly favor those with the highest concentrations of wealth at expense of society as a whole. This is especially true when they use their power to hurt those most in need. An example, of such a policy, maybe to borrow a trillion and a half during an economic boom to give a tax break to the wealthiest of wealthy. While at the same time eliminating much of the safety net and greatly increasing the cost of higher education for the middle class during times of most need.

The methods they use to get what they want include, but are not limited to:
1. Pure Corruption and bribery.
2. Semi-legal Corruption and cronyism.
3. Rigging political institutions to do their bidding.
4. Election security and all types of contributions.
5. Setting the election agenda for politicians based on divisive issues, then make them do the bidding of the rich when win.

6. Rigging the election system.
7. Selective enforcement and interpretation of the law. Create legal barriers for the poor.
Excessive wealth disorder biggest problem is not that it preserves and protects those with wealth, it is that the preferred method is to promote unfair advantages and subsidies and often environmental destruction. Often they promote dysfunctional and hostile government practices to assure citizens do not go to the government for solutions.
by mlhiss June 23, 2019
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Opportunity cost disaster.

When the chosen or proposed alternative is equal to a disaster in terms of lost opportunity compared to other available alternatives.
Can't you come up with a better alternative this one is a total OCD.
by mlhiss March 28, 2008
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A cliche used when there is indecisive action which limits one's ability to function. It can be used to encourage one to get over a hurdle and move on, or to accept a loss.
The president's Chief of staff. told the Democrats to Get Over It, in the most confusing way. On the one hand, he provided significant new and clarification of old evidence of at least 2 of the most indefensible impeachable offenses. On the other hand, he seemed to be saying to America this as the new normal.
by mlhiss October 20, 2019
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The exploitation of digital media to unfairly influence the outcome or to create an unjust result. It can be a form of cheating and illicit practices that take advantage of and exploit media users. In some cases, media users are programmed to go viral with misinformation or disinformation. Much like when an arson strikes a match when the conditions are favorable for a wildfire to spread in ways that are most damaging to the environment.
The Russians have learned quickly that they can positively influence the outcome of an election through digital exploitation. much easier than conventional war. Surprisingly they have the help of a large minority of the public who support their candidate right or wrong.
by mlhiss October 29, 2019
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A blocklist is being used to replace blacklist, In the computer and tech industry . Blocklist refers to a directory of specific elements that are blocked, e,g email addresses, IP addresses or URLs.
Some in tech are promoting blocklist over blacklist because it is more descriptive and understandable.
by mlhiss July 8, 2020
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Great Culling = Great Depression with massive culling of vulnerable industries and businesses and significant amounts of culling of those in the population with existing health problems.

A major international culling event in a capitalist system in 2020 caused by a failure of the capitalist system to be prepared for an epidemic. The Great Culling of 2020 it was activated by a epidemic. In the US in 2018 the White House dismantled the National Security Council’s global health security office it opened the doors as wide as possible for the private market sector to take responsibility for future epidemics and show their stuff.

Most people did not have a stomach for the capitalistic culling process in which businesses and industries that cannot survive and adapt are allowed to fail. These people are especially uncomfortable when those businesses that provide their job fail and go bankrupt. The masses also get queasy about job security in general, losing accumulated wealth, and being able to pay their mortgages or rent, or afford health care insurance when they need it most.
The Great Culling of 2020 is a great test of how a capitalistic system solves market failure. The biggest problem will be when there are demands for government involvement in the private sector, especially when people start dying in mass, industries and commercial businesses start failing and people are left in self quarantine without jobs and income.
Sadly the capitalistic system is never allowed to allow only the survival of the fittest, leaving the rich and powerful with another lost opportunity.
by mlhiss March 19, 2020
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Business email compromise.

A crime which uses email fraud to attack businesses, government, NGOs, etc to advantage the criminal, and to negatively impact the target of their attack.
Because of the rampant rise in cyber crime, more and more employees are making the excuse they did not read the attached memo because they thought it was a BEC attack.
by mlhiss July 4, 2020
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