2 definitions by mkc

Stupid Bitch Syndrom (SBS) is a mental disorder afflicting young heterosexual females, first diagnosed in late 2000.

Symptoms include acting like a stupid bitch, and an inability to make decisions.

The SBS victim will often have a
string of boyfriends, but will be unable to commit to any of them.

The SBS sufferer prefers to have someone else make up their minds for them, ending up in relationships with
border-line psychotic men.
The infamous real-life "runaway bride" is the perfect example of someone afflicted with SBS.

Katie Holmes joining the religion of Scientology in order to please Tom Cruise is classic SBS.
by mkc July 1, 2005
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when you're arguing with someone about how they treat you or how they act so you point that out by "just saying what i see"
Vanessa: "You're always on your phone and you never make time for me."

Joe: "How can you say that? I just spent the whole day with you yesterday."

Vanessa: "Just saying what I see."
by mkc February 25, 2017
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