2 definitions by mioke

A bong is like the holy grail. your search until you find the one that does you proper, then you make praise-and offer burnt sacrifice of tasty marijuana to her every niggghit.

A bong is does right if it has an ice catcher, at least one perculator, at leasat 16 diffusor ports and an ash catcher. ANything else is a joke.
Passthe bong fool, im trying to get looser than a mother fucker
by mioke December 6, 2007
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A high on is some one who gets off on getting high. Much like a cop who gets off on giving these same kids a hard time. A high-on will do anything it takes to get high on mary jane, they often are skilled in creating bongs out of pop bottles and pens, and are good to have around when weed smoking is clutch.
"Marty you high on, where are those papers?"
by mioke December 6, 2007
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