50 definitions by minghi

a lesbian sex act which involves a certain mesure of flexibility. its rubbing and bumpung vaginas together
my dyke friends shave b4 bumping clams; man, i hope they dont get nether-beard burn!
by minghi May 17, 2003
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verb: to exctinguish a cigarrette in such a way as to make it relightable.

noun: a partially smoked cigarrette saved for later
cigs are so expensive these days that i clip mine when i have to put 'em out, and finish 'em later.
by minghi May 7, 2003
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v. to undergo a plastic surgery operation in which the folds of skin above the eyes of aperson of east asian origin are reduced, and made to look more racially "neutral" or caucasian.
its such a shame when people get their eyes de-chinked.
by minghi June 1, 2003
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a strip of ten bits of blotter acid in a row.
My body isn't very sensitive to acid, so I need at least a ten strip these days to really trip balls.
by minghi May 6, 2003
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bleary red-eyed college kids drink red-eyes around finals time.
by minghi June 1, 2003
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someone evincing 2 or more of the following symptoms:
1: proclaims the lord is coming with the imminent end of the world
2: has signs on their person, car, or home with bible quotes
3: goes to church more than once a week
4: started their own christian offshoot cult because the rest aren;t pious enough
5: tries to foist an extreme form of christianity off on others
6: is a born-again christian and/or fundamentalist
every time i see that jesus freak walking around with his "god will save, the end is near" sign, i want to convert to satanism just so i can sacrifice him.
by minghi May 22, 2003
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the gateway to transcendence and temporary enlightenment. chemical keys to the gates of heaven.
I wish my bathroom sink ran hot cold and acid.
by minghi May 6, 2003
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