4 definitions by minecraftpro69420

What happens to a person when they haven't had sex in a long time, their holes become an abandoned mineshaft with zombies, dropping rotten flesh. Happens more often to people with HIV
Person 1: "Bruv this skank has HIV, shes probly an abandoned mineshaft.
Person 2: " yeah probly "
by minecraftpro69420 November 30, 2019
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The act of having 10 children in like 11 years, and being a total douchebag. He likes to have sex all day, and thus plays football like a niglet straight from india. The nigga is only kept on the chargers because the owner is too stubborn to admit he made a bad desicion.
1: "fuck you dude ur such a philip rivers"
2: "fuck you fuckin black-ass bitch"
by minecraftpro69420 November 30, 2019
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When you make a fort out of your couch and stay in it all night. this isnt a fucking game. It is also usually termed with sticking your dick in something all night, usually not a woman because it is for virgins.
Drake: yo wanna do some fort nite at my house?

Josh: yeah sure bruv.
Drake: aight bring lube
Josh: wait what the fuck?
by minecraftpro69420 December 2, 2019
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A title that has a very low chance of appearing on the Minecraft loading screen. Most people do not notice it, as it is often mispelled anyway.
Freddie: OH SHIT!

Carly: what?
Sam: Yeah, what the fuck nigward?
Carly: ok boomer
Sam: ok boomer
by minecraftpro69420 December 2, 2019
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