27 definitions by mimbijones

Being germ-polite is when you do not sneeze or cough all over someone next to you when you are full of flu or cold germs. Nor do you sneeze or cough into your hand and then shake someone else's hand. Neither is your house germ-polite if you allow your cat to walk over the kitchen surfaces or the dining room table without then wiping them clean. Nor are you germ-polite if you stroke your cat or dog or other pet and then, without first washing your hands, you touch food that other people are going to eat.
Crikey - I hate going to eat at that person's house - it's not germ-polite. They let that horrible, dribbly cat of theirs walk all over their kitchen work surfaces. And no I am not a paranoid-android I just don't like people sharing their germs with me!
by mimbijones October 14, 2015
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Is like when a lion swipes at its prey and hooks one its front paw dewclaws into whatever it's chasing or clouting at, so the prey animal just cant escape.
"I have to stay calm and try and eye-dominate you because if I don’t, and you’re not too thick or lazy, you’re quite capable of rearing up on your hind legs, and then dewclaw-hooking me off this horizontal tree-branch with a swipe of one front paw."
by mimbijones April 29, 2023
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A person (usually an adult) who is so terribly overweight and cumbersome that you just know the mattress wont be able to take the strain and that the bed will audibly crack and then sag like a broken matchstick when the overweight person gets onto it - usually by throwing themselves backwards onto the bed.
Wow! Look at the gross size of that man - bet he's a bed-killer.
by mimbijones June 28, 2015
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If you can imagine a much smaller and younger sister or brother with whom you share DNA but not much else in common, they could be thought of as being a 'quarklet.' Similarly, in the world of atoms, you have protons and neutrons and the things they are made of which are called quarks (i.e. the big brothers or sisters of quarklets) and quarklets (the smaller, irritating, buzzing around everywhere baby quarks). So think of a quarklet as being a baby quark. They will be discovered sometime and their definition will have been first posted on the UD.
"If I were a physicist I would want to be the discoverer of quarklets, because they will turn out to be the building blocks of the universe, mark my words!"
by mimbijones April 26, 2015
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Being ultra sleepy is when you are utterly knackered because you woke up at 4 a.m.for some reason and just couldn't get back to sleep, so the day becomes a sort of blur, with you ending up being ultra sleepy and also a bit fearful that you still won't be able to get to sleep easily when it's time for bed.
"My friend Sarah, here at school, is having an ultra sleepy day - just couldn't get her overclocking brain to switch off when she found herself wide awoke for some reason at 4 a.m. So she's more than a bit knackered now, poor girl."
by mimbijones May 4, 2023
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"White-coats" are all the specialist doctors you hate going to see because you just know instinctively there is nothing wrong with you - but that the white coats are going to insist on taking gallons of blood off you, and prod you and stick you in noisy machines that give you as headache.
"And after that, it then will be mum carting me off to yet another white-coat, who will prod me around while I’m semi-naked, take litres of blood off me, mutter a lot, and will then prescribe pills to take each day, to calm me down!"
by mimbijones February 15, 2016
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That fragrant smell in the dawn air after the first rains have arrived during the night
"Wonder what’s in those lovely-smelling molecules that get breathed out the ground into dawnsmell, after the first rains?"
by mimbijones April 4, 2023
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