39 definitions by mikwat

Snowflake: I'd rather DH because I don't like climbing my bike. I'd rather take a ski lift or shuttle to the top.
by mikwat May 21, 2004
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Driving a car excessively fast, usually on a country road.
I was tacking down Sherwood Road just before I got pulled over by a cop. Can you believe they searched my car?
by mikwat May 17, 2004
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A jump made of two ramps set at some distance apart. One ramp is sloped up and the other down. Doubles are used by freestyle athletes in many sports.
Snowflake hit the double but didn't have enough speed going into it so he nailed the base of the transition. Ouch.
by mikwat May 22, 2004
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A narrow, single lane trail.
The singletrack on Morninglory rocks because it is fast and technical to ride on a mountain bike.
by mikwat May 22, 2004
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In in vernacular of mountain biking: right on, continue on, you are doing well, cool, etc.
Snowflake: Dude, I just cleaned that technical section.

Mike: Ride on!
by mikwat May 21, 2004
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In the vernacular of mountain biking: to ride over a rocky, technical, or difficult section of trail without falling or in a clean fashion.
Snowflake: Did you see me clean that gap rock garden? That was sweet!
by mikwat May 21, 2004
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The proper technique for snowboarding. Involves descending in a relatively straight path by transitioning from toeside to heelside in a quick and fluid manner.
Yelling from the chairlift: Look at Snowflake, that fool can't carve to save his life. All he can do is the falling leaf!
by mikwat May 27, 2004
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