49 definitions by mids99

A synthesis of the words 'twirl' and 'divert.' Used to signify when a sequence of events occurs in the wrong order
We had our bloody summer in April with the unbroken sunshine and warm temperatures. Now its actually Summer its cold and wet. Talk about a twirt of the seasons!
by mids99 July 30, 2009
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Any means of artificially creating a more favourable climate, weather experience etc for yourself or plants.
1. 'I twirted the forecast this weekend and wend down the South East where the weather was sunnier.'

2. 'How come you've got daffodils flowering in November?'

'I twirted some bulbs by overwintering them in the fridge for a month and then planting in a greenhouse in October.'
by mids99 August 26, 2009
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A hybridised form of dance music and classical music that will become popular in the early 2020s when dance music remixes classical music as a mainstream activity. Has its roots in the Adagio for Strings remix in 1999. To be truly described as 'classiclock' (more strictly Classical Two Level Beat) the music is set ot a clock in the background, with the 4 beats corresponding to one rotation of the large hand, with the small hand crossing over at intervals, creating an emphasised beat.

Will also itself hybridise with 'ectopic house' which consists of delayed beats at random emulating ectopic heartbeats. The result will be clubbers giving a thumb to the left, second finger to the right signal in clubs to denote 10:10, ie. a stopped clock, to signify when ectopica infiltrates classiclock.
'I remember the days when it was simple dubstep and four-to-the-floor house. What would Tchaikovsky think about these youngsters 10:10ing his 1812? Classiclock my cock!'
by mids99 April 4, 2010
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Hangers on at a public bonfire and firework display who wish to stay until the early hours, throwing things on the fire, when everyone else has gone home. Usually teenagers or NEETS who do not have to be up for work the following day and often stoners.
Over police intercom

'Roger 1 2 just going round the park to check for ash bandits over'
by mids99 November 7, 2009
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A Cockney Rhyming Slang dig at the clock, where the emphasis is on frustration with the whole nature of time and man's relationship with it. Usually involves both instances where not enough or too much of it is available. Can be used in many ways
1. Three clubbers out at night

'I like can't believe its ten to three already man, its gonna shut soon, this evening has SO flown, the poxy docks!'

2. A worker on a dull production line in a factory

' Its WHAT? Only 4pm? Three hours of this poxy docks shift to go!'

3. A woman nearing the menopause

'Shiela! Im depressed! I need a man! I want a baby! The biological poxy docks is ticking!'
by mids99 November 9, 2009
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A phrase describing a once deep frost that starts to melt during the passage of a warm front. Normally represents the fact that a band of precipitation on its way one would have hoped would fall as snow actually falls as rain.
Looks like a challenged frost, there wont be a damn snow day after all!
by mids99 December 17, 2009
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The act of doing something major in your life with friends and family being unaware of it due to your lack of informing them. Often this is due to fear of what they may think, particularly if you fail at it.
'Sorry the job interview was a decoupling one. I didnt want to tell you I was looking for a new jonb unless I got the head of science post at Canesworth Academy!'
by mids99 October 27, 2009
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