22 definitions by mich

The people of Merka, an important country on the North Merkan continent.
My fellow Merkans, four-score and seven years ago ....
by mich July 20, 2004
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How I miss that raging Oijin
how I miss her big round head.
She went back to South Korea
and I need her in my bed.
by mich July 20, 2004
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contraction of "imbecile" ( a person stupider than a moron but not as stupid as an idiot ).
Rachel ? Don't worry about her, she's a real imbo.
by mich July 20, 2004
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The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), a publicly owned radio and TV broadcaster in Australia, known for the leftist position of its news-reporting and the annoying political-correctness of its nagging on issues like the environment and gender politics.
"Did you see that crap on the GayBC last night about land-rights for lesbian whales ?"
by mich July 20, 2004
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a chick who is a serious class_A ultrababe, smart and can talk real proper, mesmerising, you can't take your eyes off her.
by mich July 20, 2004
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The Queen's English refers to grammatically correct and coherent written expression in the English language. It does not refer to a specific accent, intonation or regional variation of the spoken language.
"I wish the lawmakers would write laws in the Queens English instead of this incomprehensible legalese crap"
by mich July 20, 2004
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How's the ultrababe today, U'man ?
by mich July 20, 2004
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