14 definitions by metro anthony

a lesbian that dresses in the style of the rapper eminem
"dude, im gonna kick that guy's ass" .. man, that's no guy, it's an eminesbian"
by metro anthony January 19, 2006
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a person sporting both the cholo and metrosexual styles at the same time
"dudes wearing a bandana tight on his eyes and pinstripe flairs, that niggahs a metrocholo"
by metro anthony November 1, 2005
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a phrase used to describe the release of air from a woman's vagina during oral sex
"melissa just duck farted in my mouth, fuck it tasted like the football team !" .. "which football team ?" ... "all of them, the filthy fucking pig"
by metro anthony November 2, 2005
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a person of incredibly low self esteem and absolutely no morals who will allow sexual intercourse to be performed upon them for chump change, usually in the washroom at a public park or perhaps in a bar
"melissa is such a fuckbuck, she took it in every orifice at least ten times last night for two dollar fity fi and some chewing gum"
by metro anthony November 2, 2005
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a liquid concoction made of the acidic juice of cranberrys, mixed with vinegar and rock salt, that when loaded into a high pressure squirt bottle and fired into the enflamed vagina provides temporary relief and mild cleansing of said area
"melissa emptied every fruit market in town to mix up her cranberry douche, she went through 60 gallons of wine vinegar too, that bitchs dirty cunt must be on fire"
by metro anthony November 2, 2005
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archaic term used to describe the female sex organ, especially in a derogatory fashion
"melissa is such a filthy whore her goache has more traffic than the lincoln tunnel"
by metro anthony November 2, 2005
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a recepticle in a blow up doll that recieves the ejaculate in order to prevent penile rupture caused by hydralic action, usually of half to one pint capacity, often emptied by squirting feminine hygeine products in a washing out type manner
"that pyscho cheating slut melissa can soak up dog jizz like a freshly douched cumsocket"
by metro anthony November 2, 2005
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