82 definitions by metawave

A concept by the philosopher Gilles Deleuze delineating nihilism as an enclosed (disymmetric) boundary (space) separating subjectivity and objectivity.

The image-thought of the boundary of the human body as coterminous with the boundary of nihilism.

In phenomenological terms Deleuze's paradigm of body-without-organs: connection as coterminity (contiguity).
Deleuze's rhizome indicates that the body is the phenomenal instance of disymmetry.

In doing so it indicates that coterminity (boundary) connects phenomena (idea) with phenomenology (imagic idea).
by metawave February 20, 2019
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Kant's thing in-itself is the set of twin primes that contains the set of prime numbers.

The requisite set can even include a single twin-prime..
Kant's thing-in-itself is the spinning-Euler-number.

Due to Euler's number even a single twin prime can contain the complete set of prime numbers...

This is because Euler numbers SPIN on the Athenic plane colors in Hinduistic time or cavitations in linear time..
by metawave April 23, 2023
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A Bhuddist (Vedic) deity who serves as the messiah in Hinduism.

Indra's net represents the spectrum-of-colors (self-externalized symmetry) that protrudes as consciousness into the real world.

He is the God of lightning in which lightning is the asymmetric line representing the spectrum of colors, a perfectly asymmetric field-series.
Krishna is the retrograde (synchronicistic) messiah in Hinduism; whereas as Indra is the pro-gradient (pro-grade) messiah in Hinduism.
by metawave April 14, 2019
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Having a surface-area orthogonal (lateral) to the curve of a line with respect to the surface area between the x-y axis and the line-curve.

The orthogonal-surface area contains non-visible triangles which follow the non-contiguated rules of the nodes on surface-of-graphene.

The line bends into a curve at every point these triangles are placed.
The length of the line equals the surface area sum of each all triangles.

This is what is called a transfinite curve.

Each curve contains an orthogonated surface area with graphenated triangles.
by metawave May 31, 2020
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The concept of light or language as the center of the mind.

The idea that ontology is effected from language and points toward the human mind.

Black light.
Emanent nihilism solves the conundrum of deterministicism (arbitrariness) by pointing ontology at rather than away from the mind.

Ontology is effected to emerge from language rather than the mind.

This means that reality-in-the-mind is arbitrary as opposed to language centric; ie. the mind-in-reality emerges before reality-in-the-mind can modulate it with language.

Thus language-centricity is reality; and absolute.

Language-centricity--but not language--is absolute.
by metawave September 28, 2019
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