27 definitions by melanthex

You be quiet while you be poppincherries
by melanthex March 29, 2005
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A band with a bunch of buttfucking fags that sing shitty songs that everyone likes. The cd "American idiot" is embarrasing and a piece of shit. People think they are cool because they are "rebellious","punk", or "democrat" when they are just a boy band bubble gum pop cocksuckers. It has spawned a whole group of kids that say they are democrat to be cool when they dont know anything about politics at all. Lets all face it Green day is just another MTV pop band which needs to rot in hell. The songs are nothing but annoying, repetitive and untalented, and actual dems dont listen to this shit. Everyone who has graduated middle shcool or has pubes should not listen to this band.
Green day fan: Did you by the new Green day cd it is so punk and cool, I hate bush

someone with balls: Green Day can suck my cock

Green day fan: You are so not cool Green day is da bomb XOXO I feel so rebellious!
someone with balls: You are such a dumb stupid fucking fag, you goofy little fingerpainters can jump of a fucking bridge

{puts american idiot in the microwave}
by melanthex March 31, 2005
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an actor who wathes you poop like in milshakes definition.
if you dont believe me go to www.jeffgoldblumiswatchingyoupoop.com
by melanthex March 29, 2005
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Popular form of body peircing in the bayous of the state of Louisiana. It is done by peircing used crab/ or crawfish class to the ears or man nipples.
BillieBuevauxdaCajun: I got me some fine Loosiane body peicin though it cost me a nipple or two
by melanthex March 29, 2005
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A stupid dumbass, who resembles a monkey while speaking.
Look at that facist George Bush he can suck my balls
by melanthex March 29, 2005
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One of the greatest cities on earth, believe it. The town is just unlike anywhere else in the country. The city is the capital of the great state of New Mexico, and you should go there now!

Santa Fe is unique because of the citizens. The town is made up of politicians, mexicans, artists, hippies, snowboarders, musicians, authors, artists, dog lovers, and native americans, and alot of other strange citizens. Different people are what make the city what it is.

Everyone that lives there has some strange subculture UFO's, tantric sex, eastern religions, new agers, and people who's dogs have auras. The 60's are still alive there hence it is not abnormal to ask What is your sign?

What makes the city even better is the best snowboarding in New Mexico just an hour away.

go there now
Why do you want to go to Denver? to see pollution?
by melanthex June 11, 2005
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1. A short lived pop band from the 80's

2. The sound a metal dildo makes when it his the ground
" Everybody at the party better wang chung tonie"

" I heard a wang chung in the living room"
by melanthex March 31, 2005
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