766 definitions by me

substitute for 1. 'very' or 2. 'alot', that mostly people from the south use. EXTREMELY ANNOYING.
1. "whoa, look at that hella big car"
1. "we went home and ate hella"
by me April 8, 2005
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One who steals cookies

Synonym for cookie monster
Who stole the cookies from the cookies jar?
MORBI stole the cookies from the cookie jar
by me March 13, 2005
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it means fwoa... which is generally a 'yeah!' like term...
Fwoa! that was good.
by me June 23, 2003
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used mostly by old women instead of HOLY SHIT!
"Good Lord it's hot outside" should be
"Hole shit its fuckin hot outside!"
by me July 22, 2004
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