58 definitions by mcnuggetdestroyer

It is December 23rd. The day before Christmas Eve. If you want to shop last minute for presents, you should go on this day instead of Christmas Eve because it will be somewhat less crowded.
cunt #1: Shit, I need to buy presents. Should I go today or just go tomorrow which is Christmas Eve.

cunt #2: Bitch, hell to the no. Go today, Christmas Eve Eve. The stores won't be as packed as they will be tomorrow.
by mcnuggetdestroyer December 23, 2017
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Headass #1: Beyoncé sucks, her music is absolutely atrocious.

Headass #2: Shut the fuck up, bitch. Beyoncé is a goat.
by mcnuggetdestroyer November 14, 2017
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Somebody who is oblivious to popular culture. They don't understand references to common music, movies, memes, etc.
Allen is an uncultured swine.
by mcnuggetdestroyer January 3, 2018
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A day when students (most likely in the U.S.) walk out of there classrooms to protest gun violence. One occurred today, March 14th. It started at 10:00 am and lasted for seventeen minutes in remembrance and solidarity to the seventeen students who were killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. Another school walkout is planned on April 20th, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting for the same purposes.
Are you walking out on national walkout day? I sure as hell am.
by mcnuggetdestroyer March 14, 2018
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A variety of little things. Also, one of the many 2017 psat memes. It is often confused with snippets.
The project, however, evolved as he got to know his subjects and began posting bits and bobs of his casual interviews with them.
by mcnuggetdestroyer February 11, 2018
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A dumb story that you are forced to read during freshman year or at some point in high school. It is about two sexually aroused teenagers who want to fuck after knowing each other for an hour. They both die in the end oops.
Y'all have to read romeo and juliet this year. Rest in peace.
by mcnuggetdestroyer January 4, 2018
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Somebody who is annoying as fuck. They think they are funny when they are bland as hell. They have high expectations when they look like they haven't showered in seven years.
That little shit, Timothy is back at it again.
by mcnuggetdestroyer February 20, 2018
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