33 definitions by mave73

Person paid to take pets out just for "physiologic functions" trip to park when you are not around.
Dude: Oh.. Finally I'm gonna take some weekend off.
Dude's friend: What about your dog?
Dude: it's been taken care of. I've got Pet Shitter service booked already.
Dude's Friend: Everything's all right then.

synonyms: dog shitter
by mave73 October 13, 2008
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process of people constantly impersonating or putting themselves in obama's shoes. thinking what obama will think, what obama will say, or using obama's quotes like "putting lipstick on a pig"
He's quite changed, the way he talks: I'm afraid.. He's been through an obamation!
by mave73 September 11, 2008
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snortingshire is actually the italian town of Milano where amongst all other problems of corruption and signs of economy failure also 1 adolescent out of 10 admit that tried to snort cocaine almost 1 timem in his life.
"hey kiddo where u from? snortingshire?"
"Let's go to party in snortingshire."

synonyms: snortshire, hooverland.
by mave73 May 8, 2008
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Male, no social life, compulsively asking wikipedia all kind of questions, day and night becoming a Wikipedophile.

Ethymology: Wikipedia "Fast Education" (Hawaiian: Wiki Wiki "Fast" + Ecyclopedia (Gk. enkyklios paideia = "child education") + Philòs "lover" = "Wikipedo" = "Fast Education" (omitting "lover")

Stop it man! You are obsessing.. you're like a wikipedo!

misspellings: Wikiphaedo, wikiphedo wikipedofile
synonym: Wikipedophile
by mave73 March 16, 2008
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lowcost dating in when the girl you are going out with is not expecting you to pay for every step she takes. especially in shopping streets.
Lowcost girls on a date usually carry one wallet with real money in their purse and they're not afraid to use it.

synonyms: lowcost girl, lowcost dating, low cost date.
Hey Dude the last one left me in panties.
I think next time I'll go for a lowcost date.

lowcost date is when at the end of date you spent money only for gas and taxes but the entire ride was for free.

Example of Lowcost dating prices
One way ride: 0.00;
Baggage Handling and Check in: free;
Gas and taxes: 4.99;
by mave73 May 20, 2008
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Flickrgenic is who always looks attractive in photographs posted on Flickr or other social networks.
Dude look at this gal! She sure does look Flickrgenic!
by mave73 September 9, 2008
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having a casual second sexual intercourse with the same girl after long time, but in the same circumstances.
dude 1) what happened last nigth with that chick at the pub? did you already knew her?

dude 2) She was familiar, I knew her long time ago, in this same pub. We ended up having this weird sense of "deja vulva".
by mave73 June 3, 2009
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