28 definitions by mattyboyee

Term used to describe the act of shitting small loaflets or mini fecal logs that crisscross in the bowl to form a log cabin underwater like the lincoln log toy set we used to have as kids.
I shat licoln logs again, must be them damned pretzels.
by mattyboyee May 28, 2003
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Slang term for penis started in the south-wester US.
I bludgened her about the ass, neck, and genitalia with my hot beefy jodge.
by mattyboyee May 28, 2003
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A creature with very large breasts. Funbags galore, not to be mistaken with the reptilian bretheren Godzilla. Tig ole bitties, a rare rack that is ever so boner inspiring. Takes you back to the olden days of breast feeding. A term used amongst breast men. Careful use of the word in the presence of a Jugzilla since it may make them quite cantankerous when seen in the wild or in captivity.
Holy Jugzilla Batman, that woman has the most enormous set of lactose launchers I've ever seen!!!
by mattyboyee August 9, 2005
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Term used to describe the state of crotch chafing. Abrasions on thighs and groin caused by sand from a beach, rough clothing material, and fat legs on a long walk. Not unlike sand in the vagina or grit-nuts and sandpaper crack.
Dude, I've got the worse case of sadie rotten crotch, I'm walkin' like I just got off of cross country horse-back ride.
by mattyboyee May 28, 2003
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The cotton drain plug used to block the red tides from washing up onto the cunnilingual shores of the clitoral and labial beaches. The little white bullet that goes into the barrel of the baby cannon. The licker's quicker picker upper. Stops the aquisition of redwings; a term coined for the plasma mustache begotten from chowing the putang of a girl on the rag. Riding the cotton pony.
Did you see that chick's g-string? Yeah that's not the only string I saw. She must be wearing a cunt bullet. Rip tide fellas!!
by mattyboyee February 14, 2006
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How ghetto kids say "yours." Made popular by downtown Philadelphia ghetto boys.
Get yo hands off my shit that aint yorn!
That's my candy it aint yorn.
by mattyboyee October 15, 2008
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Areola or tissue around the nipple of gargantuan proportions, see silver dollars. Not to be confused with flap-jack tits which is a natural phenomenon of pendulous and flabby tits looking like 5 pounds of shit in a ten pound bag see hangers..
That bitch was fine, but her pancake nipples are fucking nasty! Her pancake nipples resembled parabolic satellite dishes.
by mattyboyee May 28, 2003
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