50 definitions by matty

Annoying kid who surfs with the big lads, they let him tag along but dont really like him, makes a good target for practical jokes and name calling. Also known as a grommet, a gremmy or a todd.
by matty May 29, 2004
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The name of an anti-angel who is so unlucky it is unlikely that someone will say his name so that he can reap their soul.
There are no examples. This is why it is such an unlucky name.
by matty November 10, 2003
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british slang, a term used by young people to say hello to thier respected friends.
howsit going geeza? fancy a pint?
yeh man...
nice one
by matty June 25, 2005
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the champions of all champions.
by matty September 20, 2003
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its where you smash somebody in the leg really hard and there leg goes like numb, and they have trouble moving it because you just smashed it.
Dooge: man just shuts aop!
Matt: DEAD LEG!!!(smash)
Dooge: ow man shits!
by matty November 7, 2004
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