50 definitions by matty

ANything you want it to mean preferably fuck or to light up a BOWL
kunk me kunk you kunk kunk kunk
by matty December 17, 2004
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"My god look at the moobs on him"
by matty July 30, 2004
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My cousin who speaks funny and has an evil little brother and like to go shopping.....
You're so Nadicky!
by matty January 21, 2004
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Techie term used to generically describe a computer, more specifically the case
I have three boxes, one is a microsoft, one is a mac and the last is a linux.
by matty February 4, 2005
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marijuana , herb , ganja ,skunkies,weed, reefe, pot, Mary jane
that dude had some wicked huna
by matty September 23, 2003
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a new popular word or slang phrase for an ordinary occurence with a pre-defined description.
origional phrase " how cool was that"

buzz word: "how slammin was that!"
by matty June 25, 2005
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shit, dirty, crappy, lame ; eg like a skoda car ; white trash
that dudes hair is so Skody; shes such a skody skank!!
by matty September 23, 2003
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