3 definitions by mastrabonoo

v. To casually approach a ladi and rest ones arm on her shoulder all friendly-like, then when she least expects it reach down and touch/grab/squeeze her breasts.
"Wow, do her boobs look ever so supple, I wish i could see what they felt like, but she's a total bitch I'll never be able to."

"Sure you can man, there's always a way"

"But how, I just don't see an answer here"

"Yo, do The Donny bro!"
by mastrabonoo June 17, 2008
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One (male) who delites in penetrating anothers (male) anus with his penis, any combination of fingers, or tongue.
a.k.a. Phanny Bandit
"Oh you Butt Pirate you!", Clinton whispered excitedly to Geoffrey as his prostate was stimulated by the latters penis.
by mastrabonoo June 16, 2008
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