14 definitions by masteroffire

that thing rappers use nowadays that makes you sound like a robot going through puberty. first developed for the mining industry as a way to find oil wells fossils coal and metal deposits underground it was later introduced to music by cher in her song "believe". it was made popular during the boy band phenomenon especially by N*sync I guess they figured if they couldn't make them genuinely sound good that a robot gargling was almost as good.
Kanye west: I'm such a musical genius.
Kanye east: let's see you sing without autotune,then.
Kanye west: fuck
by masteroffire October 19, 2012
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when epic isn't enough to describe the magnitude of something
did you see that guy jump over an oncoming car? that was Epical!
by masteroffire January 2, 2012
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jane: So, I was watching a movie with Leslie Uggams and my cat, fluff-ums jumps on my lap and starts eating my steakums...
me: go away before I stab you
by masteroffire January 18, 2012
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1. where the food is tasty and cheap, but you only rent it.
2. a place where you can grab a hand full of mild sauce for free and make some pretty bitchin' enchiladas with it. (no really, try it)
1. walks up to taco bell counter: yes, let me get five crunchy tacos for four hours.
taco dork: ok that'll be seven dollars and fifty cents with a dollar fifty late fee per hour.
2. my bro: I'm hungry
me: lets go to taco bell and d-block some of their mild sauce. then I'll make us some enchiladas with the cheese and beans in the fridge.
by masteroffire February 10, 2012
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when you buy some cheap chinese piece of shit product and the box smells like urine
bob: yo let's see that new laser you got from the import website
ted: I don't want to touch it. the box it came in smells like pee.
bob: you just got a piss box.
by masteroffire March 20, 2013
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a pittance, a very small amount of money that would go as far as a single dollar would in New York City.
at that garage sale, I got a new gameboy for a New York Dollar.
by masteroffire January 13, 2012
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I was talking to bob the other day and it took him 2 hours to shut the fuck up about his new car. he must have Logorrhea
by masteroffire May 8, 2010
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