6 definitions by martimer/marv

The elite group of nerds who no one shalt surpass. Membership includes only the nerdiest of the nerds, making it a swizztastic club...yea, no big deal. True members include those who hit on seventh grade girls, can recite many digits of pi of the top of their head, dont dance but hump, and most importantly have sweet nerd voices. (abreviated N4L)
'hey have you programmed the pythagoreon theorem on your calculator yet?'
'have i programmed it yet??..haha, programmed it yet? HA! I've already programmed it as a function of avagadro's number...to 9 sig figs!!!!!!!'
'wow...nerd 4 life'
by martimer/marv May 25, 2005
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When you are hooking up with a girl and you cum on her back and when she turns around spit in her eye. Best executed by members of the beer hand boge club.
Chick reacting to upside down houdini: owww...wait, what?? why did you just spit in my eye. ouch, that really hurt, you just spit directly into my eye.
by martimer/marv September 24, 2005
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The word you drop when you see a maaaad fly bitty strolling down the street in front of you so everyone is alerted to look at her.
Pronunciation: skee is said in normal voice and then raise your voice to the highest possible level to polish it off with the uuuuuuw. (pronounced: Ski - you)
'you see that girl'
by martimer/marv May 25, 2005
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Cooler cousin of got 'em. Exclamed when complete ownage over someone/something is acheived. Said mostly by Nerds 4 Life but can be said by anyone.
'I take your monroe doctrine and raise you a nato'
by martimer/marv May 25, 2005
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One of the greatest shows ever created. It consists of a man wearing a fake orange afro kicking random people in the nuts.
(orange fro man runs up and kicks a guy in the nuts)

guy kicked: What are you doing?? Im calling the cops.
orange fro: Dude, no, dude don't call the cops, (points to the camera)......sir, youve just been kicked in the nuts.
guy kicked: oooooooh, I sure have! That was awesome, I've been kicked in the nuts!
by martimer/marv June 1, 2005
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NOUN or ADJECTIVE: recreational time; down time for somebody to hang out in; to chill, have a boge
Verb: to relax, usually while having a delicious boge; form Grolly

Pronunciation- GrO-lee-ur
Paul: yo man lets try and have a grolier time bogeing it up today!!!
Marty: i'll totally grolly with you, but i can't boge, i quit
Paul: fuckin' tool
by martimer/marv June 2, 2005
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