30 definitions by mangus

A pee spot on your shorts/jeans that shows through after you whizz, because you didn't tap your monkey well enough.
Crap! I can't go out there, yet, I just made a spotter on my shorts!
by mangus January 18, 2005
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Known also as your "six by six," one's problem space is the personal comfort zone you just entered into.
Dude, get outta my problem space or I'll tear you a new one pronto.
by mangus June 5, 2004
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If you don't quit looking at my wife's hooters dude, I'm gonna tear you a new pronto.
by mangus June 5, 2004
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The substance that shoots out of one's schmelter when one has an orgasm so intense as to cause a mass bowel exodus to the point that one would need to seriously launder the bed linens.

Can also be known as: "Schmit", "Schmoop", or "Schmecal matter".
Suzanne was flabberghasted at the amount of schmeces that erupted from Clyde on the first night of their honeymoon.
by mangus January 5, 2005
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Brown out is another term used to describe a skidmark.
Dude, I think you need wipe after that fart — and check fro brown outs while yer at it.
by mangus May 24, 2004
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The dumbest of all the dumbs possible. Dumb as a stump, or a bump on a log. Often used in reference to rednecks.
My neighbors are stump dumb hillbilly redneck neandertals.
by mangus May 26, 2004
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