23 definitions by malarky2020

A mispronunciation of the adjective "tractor breadth", commonly used as a non-literal perjorative term for a person or thing whose excess weight has led to a disadvantage in the current situation.
Tom - Way to keep up tractor breath. We lost you on the first hill.
Doug - <pant>
by malarky2020 August 18, 2008
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Perjorative term for a casual listener of heavy metal music, who reveal their narrow taste in music through limited knowledge of the most talented bands in the genre. As used on the Lambgoat.com news boards.
Battle Of Mice calls it quits
Thursday, September 03, 2009

little_alex_fts - ...who????
Topher - Who is this???
theblackhole - if you are saying "who?" you really missed out.
prettymetal - newsonlyposters can rot in hell
Diabolical - Impending Doom is stoked!
Cannibal_Hannibal - Emmure should be on this
by malarky2020 September 22, 2009
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Celebrated each November 5th, Back to the Future Day is our opportunity to recognize Doc Brown's discovery of the Flux Capacitor, the device that makes time travel possible. Back to the Future Day is celebrated by wishing everyone a Happy Back to the Future Day, and updating your social media networks statuses accordingly.

On November 5th, 1955, Dr. Emmet Lathrop Brown (Doc Brown to his friends), was attempting to hang a clock in his bathroom. As he reached over, he lost his footing , slipped from the toilet that he was standing on, and struck his head against the side of the sink.

Unconscious, Doc had a vision. And that vision was that of a Flux Capacitor — the device that makes time travel possible.

Requiring 1.21 gigawatts of electrical power and to be moving at a speed of 88 mph (142 km/h) the Flux Capacitor allows one to move forward or backwards in time.

Dr. Emmet Brown, on this day in history, we salute you, and remember your red letter date in the history of science!
Back to the Future Day: The Origin Story
Dr. Emmett Brown: Then tell me, "Future Boy", who's President in the United States in 1985?
Marty McFly: Ronald Reagan.
Dr. Emmett Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor? Then who's VICE-President? Jerry Lewis? I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!
Marty McFly: Whoa! Wait! Doc!
Dr. Emmett Brown: And Jack Benny is Secretary of the Treasury.
Marty McFly: Doc, you gotta listen to me.
Dr. Emmett Brown: I've had enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, Future Boy!
Marty McFly: No, wait! Doc. Doc. The-the-the bruise - the bruise on your head. I know how that happened! You told me the whole story. You were standing on your toilet, and you were hanging a clock, and you fell, and you hit your head on the sink. And that's when you came up with the idea for the Flux Capacitor... Which... is what makes time travel possible....
by malarky2020 November 5, 2009
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A malapropism of the phrase "truth be told", which is used in situations where the "truth" in question is of the nature of a financial gain.
Tom - "If that band wanted to retain their integrity, they shouldn't have signed to Sony / BMG, and released a pop album"
Doug - "Truth be sold."
by malarky2020 March 2, 2009
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G.R.O.S.S. is an anti-girl club, as popularized by Calvin & Hobbes. The name is an acronym that stands for Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS

Based in a treehouse (with occasional emergency meetings inside a cardboard box), the main objective of G.R.O.S.S. club is to annoy, bother, and harass girls. Calvin and Hobbes are its only members, and they sometimes plan missions to do so.

Look for local chapters of G.R.O.S.S. now forming in a neighbourhood near you.
o Calvin: "I've got it! We'll call our club G.R.O.S.S. - Get Rid Of Slimy Girls! That way, Susie Derkins can't join!"

o Hobbes: "Is she slimy?"

o Calvin: "All girls are slimy. Now the first order of business is to elect officiers."

o Hobbes: "I get to be president! I get to be president!"

o Calvin: "Oh, no you don't! This whole club was my idea, so I get to be president."

o Hobbes: "Ok, then I get to be king and tyrant."

o Calvin: "Hey, no! That's what I want to be! You can be president!"
by malarky2020 October 5, 2009
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Holding materialism and conspicuous consumption in very low regard. Pronounced "A-materialistic", like "asexual". Because "antimaterialism" was taken (it means something religious).
Doug - There are plenty of great women out there, but I just can't take a woman seriously if I see she has Coach shoes, or if she has Prada or D&G sunglasses.

Walter - Pussy is pussy, dude.

Doug - I know, I'm just amaterialistic.
by malarky2020 October 1, 2009
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A media & software hoarder. A person who's bandwidth, storage space, and desire to acquire intellectual property greatly exceed their ability or availability to enjoy even a small percentage of it.

Not to be confused with the typical obsessive collector: the acquisitionist distinguishes his or herself by having enough media to require several human lifetimes to even watch / play / listen to it all.
Maxwell: Hey Jorge, want to come over to my house and hang out? I just bought five new terabyte drives and I've already loaded them up with 1000 new movies, the entire N64, PS1, PS2 and Game Cube catalogs, the Virgin music catalog, and 10,000 hours of porn.

Jorge: Ok, I guess that might be alright. Hey how's your daughter doing? I hear she's started walking?

Maxwell: I wouldn't actually know; I'm an acquisitionist now; I tend to spend every waking hour downloading.

Jorge: Look, I've got to be somewhere.
by malarky2020 October 19, 2009
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