3 definitions by makazen

Twitter is a website primarily used for three things:

1.) A website that allows it's subscribers to surround themselves with only people (followers) who agree with them and their point of view, which protects them from any dangerous level of critical thinking, or challenge to their worldview.

2.) A website where people log on to discover what is going on in the world that they should be offended or outraged by, regardless if this person, event or news has any real effect on them. Twitter provides regular updates to what is trending so people can be outraged and offended by something new about every five to ten minutes.

3.) This site is also used to dispatch one's very important thoughts and opinions on subjects or events, regardless of one's qualifications and/or knowledge on particular subjects or events. These, usually unfounded, opinions are then validated by like-minded strangers with "likes".
Example 1: I blocked this guy on Twitter because he was mansplaining to me the fallacy behind the "wage gap". Who does he think he is challenging my point of view like that?

Example 2: *wakes up* I wonder what's up on a Twitter. *logs into Twitter account* WHAT? I can't believe they are drilling a pipeline there! WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE!?!?! *three minutes later* Tweets: "George Bush Sr touched someone's butt decades ago!? OUTRAGEOUS! DISGUSTING #MeToo" *five minutes later* There was a shooting in Arkansas! When will we get serious about gun control! AHHHHHH!! etc.
by makazen January 31, 2018
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A conversational device used by people who want to appease everyone, and do not want to take a solid stance on any topic as to not polarize someone they wish to be liked by.
Person 1: I think that prank where the guys feed seagulls laxatives and have them shit all over everyone at the beach is hilarious!

Person 2: I think it was cruel to the seagulls, and there were children on the beach. It was a terrible and awful prank. What do you think Person 3?

Person 3: Well, I think it was a brilliant prank. I mean, who thinks of something like that? It was absolute mayhem, shit was descending from the heavens and people were losing their minds.. THAT BEING SAID, I think that we should condemn this behavior for it was cruel to the innocent wildlife and unsuspecting children. Absolutely reprehensible behavior.

Person 1: Well, you kind of just agreed with both of us..

Person 2: Yeah, have a point of view..

Person 1: I agree with Person 2, have a stance on something and stop being a tool..
by makazen January 29, 2018
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An opening phrase used by people (primarily feminists and SJWs) to obfuscate or willfully misinterpret a logical point/argument a reasonable person has made.
Reasonable person: It's illegal pay someone less based on their sex. No serious economist worth their weight in salt would take the "wage gap" seriously.

Feminist: So you're saying women shouldn't have the right to vote?

Reasonable person: What? No. I was just saying that if women want to, across the board, make as much as men, they totally can, they just have to-

Feminist- So you're saying women are your personal sex slaves who speak when spoken to and shouldn't be able to read or write?
by makazen January 25, 2018
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