13 definitions by mad

Expecting to get pussy and never recieving any, or getting pussy but never climaxing. Usually caused by interference(friends/company, parents, passing out, etc.)or the female is too tired, has morals, or is not in the mood.

Usually results in blue balls the next day. Blue balls is a temporary condition typified by a sharp pain in the testicles and lower stomach/abdomen area. A sensation similar to that of getting kicked in the balls.
Last night I got cock blocked and this morning I've got a massive case of blue balls. I can't even walk right. Oww!
by mad April 18, 2005
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Like the saying brother from another mother or sister from a different mister.
Aye bro. We aren't related but you're fam. ☺️
by mad July 2, 2015
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To fuck up, make a mistake, not come through as promised
Fuck, way to sluff and spill bong water all over the place
by mad September 5, 2003
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Seva is teh tot0al pWNage
by mad October 15, 2003
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Porra cara, essa menina e uma putinha! (Damn dude, that girl is a little slut!)
by mad August 4, 2003
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