18 definitions by m1z_w1z_11

A person who accepts the status quo because of fear and/or lack of conviction. They generally only act out of anger and by then it's to late. They live without beliefs other than the following- Go to school, get a job, make money, buy lots of crap, die. Frequently encountered in the American school system and the suburbs.
Steve: Do you think we should be in Iraq? Do you feel the war is right or wrong?
John: Hey the new Hummer is only going to be 36K! and it comes in yellow!
Steve: Should we devote more federal funds to conduct stem cell research?
John: Did you see American Idol last night?
Steve: Shouldn't we report that death threat letter we found at school today?
John: Huh? Were you speaking to me?
Steve: Never mind. Your such a Zombie.
John: (Groans. Starts chewing on Steve)
by m1z_w1z_11 August 28, 2005
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A free form of impressionistic poetry using the underground hacker lingo called 'Leet'(1337). Adapted from the traditional Japanese form that uses 17 total syllables divided into three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 except 133+ haiku is more free form.
n00b 90+ pwn3d
j00 60+ sk0013d
n00b $1 @ t00l
by m1z_w1z_11 August 29, 2005
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An ex-boyfriend who shows up at the wierdest times and places despite the fact you broke up with him over a year ago and haven't spoke with him or attended the same school or live in the same city. Creeps you out. Never seems to leave your life.
Melissa: Hey, let's go over to HotTopic.
Stacy: No, wait, there's my ex-boyfriend standing over there.
Melissa: Again. He was here last time.
Stacy: I know he's a Ghost Bo, he haunts me.
Melissa: Creepy.
by m1z_w1z_11 September 2, 2005
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Overated system for determining a students intelligence but on occasion it does reflect a person's brain power. Designed primarily for parents and children with weak egos. Generally ignored by students with actual intelligence.
Mark: My GPA is 3.98, everyone will soon love and respect me.
Dave: (Punches Mark)
Mark: Um.....My GPA is only a general indicator of my ability to navigate the school system and irrelevant to my actual intelligence.
Dave: Your getting smarter everyday.
by m1z_w1z_11 August 29, 2005
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A highly overated piece of paper recieved by a student who completes four years or more of college with at least a C average in a specified field of study. Anybody with a pulse and a valid social security number can get one.
Mike: Hey I graduated, give me my College Duh-gree!
Dean: Here you go sucker, I mean future donating alumni.
Mike: Thanks, I feel superior already.
Dean: A Superior idiot maybe...I mean,uh,superior individual.
by m1z_w1z_11 September 2, 2005
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A person who is typically white or suburban, who tries to be street/black/mexican by listening to hip/hop, getting a tattoo, acting tough, and avoiding responsibility well into their 30's. They spend their lives acting 'bad' and trying to scare regular citizens but never really cross the line into serving longterm prison terms which is what 'bad' people end up doing. Confirms the idea that how 'bad'someone is depends on who you compare them to, most people have a line they won't cross.
Dave: Stalin was a real Thug.
John: So was Saddam Hussein.
Dave: Jesse James is a Thug Wanabe.
John: Eminem is the biggest Thug Wanabe.
by m1z_w1z_11 September 2, 2005
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A simplistic acronym meaning "What Would Jesus Do" originally adopted by well meaning Christians who wanted to express their desire to follow Christ in a primitve way. Never had much social impact. The letters can actually mean other things, like: 'Who Was James Dean' or 'Who Was Jack Dempsey' or 'Who Was J.D. salinger' or 'Who Was J.D. rockefeller' or 'What Was Juris Doctorate'.
Johnny: Hey look at my new wrist band it says 'WWJD'
Mike: Wow, I didn't know you were a Christian.
Johnny: I'm not, it stands for 'Where Was the Jack Daniels'
by m1z_w1z_11 September 13, 2005
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