1 definition by luke_e

Please read this: What is stated below is true from experience

A "Mosher" is NOT a made up word by scallies/chavs to describe someone different, NOR is it a word to describe anyone who is a goth... A mosher is a person who is slamming into other people in the front rows of a rock/metal concert (or MOSH PIT).

The term Mosh was coined by the singer HR of Bad Brains when he introduced their song "mash it up" in his thick Jamaican accent and it came out as "Mosh It Up" instead. Anthrax, the New York speed/thrash metal band later wrote an excellent song named "Caught In A Mosh" as an ode to the fans at the front of their concert pits.

Scallies or chavs only call people they don't know "moshers" because they don't have a clue what they are talking about and the media (VERY incorrectly) defined a mosher as someone in a green day top and baggy jeans and a skateboard (?) and you know how accuarte the media is right?
<me> "I'm going to the Slayer show tonight
<friend> "Cool, you gonna be at the back or you gonna be one of the moshers in the pit?
by luke_e February 6, 2007
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