2 definitions by lolololmfaooyyboi

A phrase used commonly by aliens who eat oreo bootlegs from China called Oylumo.
Alien1: Oy lmao man!
Alien2: oyy lumo, you astral fuck
by lolololmfaooyyboi November 7, 2017
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The name everyone calls flying reptiles for some reason.
All pterodactyls are pterosaurs.
Not all pterosaurs are pterodactyls.
No pterosaurs are flying dinosaurs.
A: Wow, what an awesome pterodactyl!
B: Dude, that is a pteranodon.
A: No, it's a pterodactyl! My favorite dinosaur!
B: *facepalms*
by lolololmfaooyyboi August 2, 2018
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