11 definitions by lober

"star wars" reference regarding someone who attends a pop culture conference such as "comic-con' and exits with a lot of loot. (t-shirts, posters, hats, cd's, etc) someone who scores lots of free stuff at a sci-fi/fantasy conference or similar pop culture nerd-fest.
"man i got so much (loot) free stuff at comic-con yesterday i feel like loot skywalker!"
by lober July 10, 2009
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combination of celebrate and celibate. celebrating being celibate. an ironic/sarcastic way of saying you have not had sex in a long time. way of saying you feel like getting a buzz on so you can forget you haven't had sex in a long time.
person 1: "i haven't been laid in so long that i feel like i should celibrate."

person 2: "yeah, let's go get a bottle and celibrate proper!"
by lober June 14, 2009
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a bisexual biker type. usually a female.
person1: "dude, that bi-ker is giving you the eye"
person2: "looks like her girlfriend might be up for it too. let's ride!"
by lober June 22, 2009
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being a glutton. eating way more, and often than necessary than required. also eating an overly large amount of junk food that is bad for you
once again Bob was at McDonalds attempting chewicide by attempting to eat 20 Big Macs in 1/2 hour
by lober March 12, 2012
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any event/function/conference that attracts crowds of nerds or inspires lots of nerds to attend it's functions. things that appeal to nerds and causes them to gather in great numbers, such as: a sci-fi/fantasy movie premiere(e.g. "star wars", "transformers", "harry potter") or a conference based on popular nerd fare such as: "star trek" conference, or "comic-con", "macworld"(or any computer confab)"anime festival"(cosplay), etc. any event which causes large numbers of nerds to leave their parents' basements and their computers and go out in public in large numbers
person1: "man, i went to an early matinee of transformers, hoping to avoid the nerd fest, but no such luck."
prson2: "yeah, i went to the macworld conference last year; what a huge nerd fest!"
by lober July 11, 2009
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Combination of the names of Sarah Palin and her attorney Thomas Van Flein. rhymes with Van Halen.
has three meanings:
(a) someone who engages, (or communicates an intent to do so) in empty threats, legal (threatening to sue someone when there is no legal basis for doing so) or otherwise, in order to intimidate or cajole someone into complying with their wishes.
(b) the act of engaging in this sort of behavior.
(c)doing stupid, crazy-ass stuff in the public eye which only results in further embarrassing the party responsible. emphasis on the combination of being crazy AND stupid and crating a public spectacle.
person1: "did you catch the 4th of July weekend concert by Van Palin?"
person2: "yeah that chick is bat-shit crazy! i haven't seen a Van Palin like that since Tyson bit off part of Hollyfield's ear!"
by lober July 5, 2009
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short for dogmatic reflex which is the automatic, unreasonable, negative reaction some people have to new ideas, behavior, or gadgets. it is the result of dogma being the lifelong basis of how one views the world.

when people automatically reject new things, or ideas as too difficult, too mysterious, or just plain wrong because of pre-conceived ideas based on dogma.

closed minded
person 1: "i tried to show my mom how to use the computer to look stuff up, but she wouldn't even try. she said "oh, i can't do that!" and walked away"

person 2: "sounds like serious dogflex dude"
by lober June 11, 2009
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