151 definitions by liz

1.one who plays the violin very well also associated with nerd but usually very talented in the arts( drama , writing, etc etc )

see emo
Liz is an awesome violinist
by liz January 15, 2005
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when something sucks and you want to quit
When I have a headache I take damitall.
by liz August 22, 2004
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a government endoresed way of slavery

Also see slavery
by liz January 5, 2004
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Like MoCo, but not as cool as MoCo. They all wanna be like MoCo, but they can't quite pull off the coolness
HoCo Person-damn i wish I lived in MoCo
MoCo Person- duh, MoCo rocks
by liz January 9, 2005
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A whore house. A place for men (or women) ;) to go to find hott girls and hott sex, too. Example: In 50 Cent's Candy Shop video.
"I'll take ya to the candy shop, I'll letcha lick the lolly pop..." Where "candy shop" is the whore house, and "lolly pop" is his "place".
by liz March 12, 2005
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and now i woulkd like to say that agnes irwin wants to join ea/haverford day. well if you took a poll at ea in the highschool out of about 600 kids you would get about three that say yes. and the rest would say no!
Megan what did yo vote for, "NO!" and then the kid w9ould go to everyone throguh the grade and get no everytime.
by liz March 20, 2005
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some one who is, as well as being an uh oh oreo (black on the inside and white on the outside), is completely nuts as well!
random person:oops! i spilled my diet coke on myself!
peanut butter uh oh oreo: oh no you dident!!!!
random person:WTF - ur crazy!
by liz May 19, 2005
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