3 definitions by livinglegendwg

Similar to an f-bomb, a nigtomic bomb occurs when a white person says the word nigger in front of a large crowd of people, usually black, that are likely to be upset by the choice of language, such as during an NAACP convention or at Christmas dinner.
Evan: When I called the man intoducing me at the black history month lecture 'my nigga,' everyone freaked out and left. Total nigtomic bomb.
by livinglegendwg February 17, 2010
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taking a dump in the upper tank of a toilet, also known as an upper decker, then proceeding the give someone a swirlie in the same toilet
That guy is such a tool, I'd really like to give him a third world shower right now.
by livinglegendwg December 14, 2009
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A get together that consists of all girls. Pretty much the female version of a sausage fest.
Sam: There are no guys here.
Abby: I know. Total clit-together.
by livinglegendwg December 21, 2009
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