4 definitions by linguistiky

To destroy someone so badly, inflicting so much pain and suffering that the person voluntarily decides to jump into their own funeral pyre. Originates from the Indian practice of "jauhar", where a wife would jump into a funeral pyre when her husband dies, made popular by the 2018 film Padmavat. But jauhared or jauharing is used in a lighter context, for instance, when your sports team beats their rivals with a dominant performance.
Wow, the Golden State Warriors jauhared the Chicago Bulls 143-94.

Damn, the nawabs of Sunrisers Hyderabad are jauharing the Rayajasthan Royals
by linguistiky April 9, 2018
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The honor killing of a couple or person who have/has eloped or fallen in love, by the parent(s)/family. In reference to the climax scene in the Indian film Sairat.
"Dude my parents will sairat me if I even think about going on a date."

"So I met my girlfriend's parents last weekend. Her mom seems cool but her dad might totally sairat me."
by linguistiky January 18, 2017
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The later part of Sunday when one is busy working to be ready for Monday. Smonday is a very taxing period of time, usually involves no sleep the night between Sunday and Monday. Involves large amounts of caffeine intake. More relevant to business executives and students.
Example 1:
"I can deal with Monday but it's Smonday that kills me."

Example 2:
Boss: "Venkateswaran, lets have the reports ready on my desk by Monday morning. And enjoy your weekend buddy!"
Venkateswaran (to himself): "Enjoy my weekend my &*%! No sleep two Smondays in a row, damn it"
by linguistiky September 24, 2007
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Refers to a clean to-do list or a lot of free time
Hey boss I am going to send out these emails to the client and then I am going to go play golf. Do you have any other things for me to do today?
by linguistiky February 25, 2010
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