1 definition by layinlowfoo

Originating from Montgomery County, Maryland and a few individuals of AEHS Class of 2004, it's a combination of "Shit" and "Rawr" (Roar).

Shit + Rawr = Shar

Commonly used to emphasize anger, frustration, annoyance, and just about anything really.

Shar can also be used as a verb in different aspects. Refer to the last example for this.
Agent A: Maaaaaaaan ... my roommate is such an asshole. He cockblocked me while I was flirting with Anna from down the hall... ShaR~!

The child exclaimed shar in response to everyone's ignorance.

Are you shar you are going to take a shar-ar now?
by layinlowfoo April 14, 2005
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