204 definitions by laura

booty shakin music, all you homies jip is cos u dont feel it. it has rythmn, it has beat, it has passion, it's all the singer's feelings summed up into a melody, the lovers language.
Joe - All the things your man won't do - listen to this song and then tell me you don't like RnB, if you don't feel this you're not alive.
by laura January 15, 2004
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person1: i'm an idiot
person2: kik
by laura June 18, 2003
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style is the way u dress carry urself n look
when ders a gilr walking n shes dressed really nicely n shes beautiful u would say

"she is so style"
by laura March 12, 2004
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Something you use to dry off after a certain experience.
by laura June 15, 2006
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1. Term of endearment for friends, stemming from the animal blue-footed booby.
2. Name for a crush.
1. Boobie, why didn't you call me?
2. Boobie #1 is looking hot today.
by laura March 21, 2005
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slut and ho combined.. the hottest chicks at HRA
damn, they MUST be a hut cause they are soo fine
by laura October 21, 2004
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