14 definitions by lacoste_lover

They are to truepreppieswhat WalMart sneakers with 4 stripes are to Adidas. While a true preppy wears Ralph Lauren and Lacoste, preps reek of wannabe neuvo riche with Abercrombie mini skirts and cheap American Eagle polo shirts that they're quite proud of. Their parents drive minivans and live in tract housing but still beleive that they are better than everyone else. Unlike preppies who may or may not be popular, preps are insecure popular snobs.
The prep bought a five year old Camaro and went to buy a dress shirt at Hollister. For this, he beleives that he is better than everybody else.
by lacoste_lover September 29, 2005
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1)Area in which the nazis contained the jews prior to being taken to concentration camps (this definition is rarely used in daily discussion)
2)Poor area of town with public housing, a high minority population, and even higher crime rates
3)Relating to black culture
4)ajective or adverb relating to cheapness
1) Hitler created ghettos in WWII Germany.
2)South Central LA is a classic ghetto.
3)Marcus's South Pole jeans that sag down past his knees are very ghetto when paired with a doorag.
4) noun: My friend's old car being held together by duct tape is deeply ghetto.
4) verb: My tendecny to eat every free sample in Sam's Club is really quite ghetto of me.
by lacoste_lover October 15, 2005
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The kind of place where disgruntled teens go on killing sprees with hopes that prison will at least be more interesting. Every house is nice, moderately priced, and identical every other house in it's subdivision. Appopriately enough, the average suburban household owns a Suburban (so that the soccer team can be carpooled back to their tract housing without having to remove the Abercrombie bags from the cargo area).
I live in such suburbia that if it werent for the flowers our landscaper planted, I probably wouldnt be able to tell which house I lived in and which belonged to the neighbors.
by lacoste_lover October 12, 2005
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The sexiest kind of boy there is. On their own, they might not look that great, but if you put them in $100 jeans and a BMW, half the female population will happily have sex with them. This is because, as Good Charlotte sang, girls dont like boys; girls like cars and money. It is true, thus rich boys are sexy. Very, very, sexy.
Bob was at least 50 lbs. overweight and showered an average of twice a month. He liked to sit in class and talk to a hand puppet and get from place to place by hopping. I thought Bob was weird and gross. Then I realized he drove a new Range Rover and was a very rich boy. Now I think Bob is very hot.
by lacoste_lover July 27, 2006
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People who's low class roots continue to show despite their affluence. These people prove that you can take the person out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the person. Such classy items as limited edition pick up trucks, signed Nascar memorbelia, and stereo systems the size of a small car all serve as proof that the rich redneck is a valuable demographic to not be overlooked.
My best friend has the unfortunate hobby of not only chewing tobacco but also spitting it on his parent's new oriental rug. His father drives a limited edition pickup truck, his mother's Mercedes has more bling on it than Snoop Dogg, and the family uses the yard for target practice. They are serve as shining examples of what a rich redneck is.
by lacoste_lover July 27, 2006
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Similar to hood rich, except involving rural whites. If you see a doule wide with a collapsing roof, but 4 new cars in the driveway, you know that you are driving by a hillbilly rich family's domicile. Just as is the case with those who are hood rich, the realities of one's personal finances is unimportant. As a result, most who are hillbilly rich have atrocious credit and have possessions repossessed frequently.
My cousins are so hillbilly rich that they cant afford to pay their electric bill. They would have had the money to, but then they bought a new Tahoe (they had to get something to replace the Mustang the repo guys came and got). I cant blame them, though, because it would be more fun to be hillbilly rich than poor.
by lacoste_lover December 4, 2005
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The most retarded, unpleasant conformists alive. In a pathetic attempt to boost their own self-esteem by being "different", nonconformists put down everything that is accepted and liked by mainsteam society. The problem is, this doesn't actually mean they aren't conforming. They're simply conforming to the standards of their counterculture.
I have no problem with people wearing black and listening to bands I've never heard of (common features among "nonconformists". I respect their choice not to "conform". Yet inevitably, they have no respect for my choice to wear pink polo shirts and Coach bags while listening to popular music. They say I'm a conformist-ironically, their friends look a lot more alike than mine do.
by lacoste_lover July 21, 2006
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