8 definitions by ksharp

school for special handicap children that cannot pass regular school, and find this alternate way instead of dropping out. most commonly known for the school with children that play with theyre turtles.
i go to a montessori school.
thats nice.. go play with ur turtle.
by ksharp January 25, 2005
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(n.) Condition in which you 'pwn(see pwn)' everyone on the other team.
by ksharp July 8, 2003
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1)A counter-strike clan that conveniently consists of kids too young to go to CPL. They have 1 year of cal-im exp. and 1 year of cal-m exp. and they still manage to beat Team 3D.

2)A counter-strike clan that does not lan
Im in a CS clan called wew and I enjoy getting owned on lan and then going online and beating the best teams in the United States
by ksharp November 29, 2004
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abbreviation for "good game". depending on the context in which it is used it is either a compliment or a salty, halfassed insult. also can be said as "gfg" (good fucking game) when extremes of the matter are in question.
(polite)gg my friend, that was an exciting, exilirating game!!
(insulting)gg ogl scurb gtfo stfu an get soem skillz joo nubcake
by ksharp July 6, 2003
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someone very sexy with amazing skills online and on lan.
by ksharp November 30, 2003
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the birnger of death unstopible killing machine uses a samuri sword and a para heavy machine gun to spill the blood of all!
I was owning house then kipptron joined the server and sliced me in half with a samuri sword damn that cardboard robot of death!
by ksharp September 1, 2003
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1.One of the best and most well known Counter-Strike players in Florida. 2.One whos leetness is greater than all of SK's combined. He is "The leet one" of Counter-Strike. No one compares to his leetness.
OMG! he pulled an xsponse!
by ksharp November 20, 2003
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