1 definition by kkrose620

Some are rude, others are nice.
Some are fat, others are skinny.
Very diverse group of people, but no one is too different from another.

Lots of Americans probably have diabetes or some kind of disease from smoking.
A majority of the teens vape and drink.
Some might have hiv from the amount of things that they like to do.
In my personal opinion Americans produce great music, movies, shows, etc.
Americans are different in there own kind of way.

Oh and most people who are young like to act older :)

Dude #1: you see that girl?

Dude #2: woah, she has to be at least 22
Dude #3: nah dudes that’s my sister and she’s 12
Dude #1: Americans... ya know?
by kkrose620 April 18, 2019
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