80 definitions by kitty

A person who has sex several times with numerous people
Stevie is such a slutbag! she has had sex with 12 guys, and 9 of them being over 20, when she is just 15.

Look at that slut bag!Her twat hanging out, cuz shes sooo loose!!!
by kitty April 24, 2004
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Another way to say Debris, or an insult...pertaining that such and such is debris
"Man you are so full of wipqasin!"
by kitty February 16, 2003
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(1)Being nipple-like in nature; sexy.
(2)The act of showing nipple.
- The thought of seeing nipple.
(3)A casual exclamation; "That was nipple-icious!"
"That dude is nipple-icious!"
"Dude, check out that nipple-icious action."
"That was nipple-icious, dude!"
by kitty June 14, 2006
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ditzy is basically what i am, its when you act innocent and dumb at the same time, being ditzy makes people think your really stupid and because of this they sometimes talk to you like you're a five year old as they think you wont understand if they say something in "grown up terms" (which in my case is probably true)

sometimes being ditzy is good because you can get away with things :)
Awwww she doesnt understand, probably because shes so ditzy....

or gosh, katie, stop being such a ditz!!
by kitty February 28, 2004
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The funniest damn thing you could call someone you don't approve of.
"Damn that Jamie is a Fagshitter don't you agree"

Yes everyone agrees.
by kitty April 8, 2005
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