1 definition by kittieex3

A mutt is a person of a multi-racial background, depending on who you are talking to it can be considered offensive and/or derogatory. In a lot of cases people don't take offense to it(I personally call myself a mutt all the time) Just be careful who you call a mutt, some people won't take it very well.
Ex 1)

Anthony: what are you, you look Hispanic?

Me: I'm a mutt...

Anthony: Me too!

Ex 2)

person1: what is she, I can't tell?

person2: I'm not sure, she's some crazy mix.

person1: Oh, so she's a mutt.

person3: Who are you calling a mutt, you're no better than me just cause I'm multiracial!

Ex 3)

Guy: Wow you're gorgeous, what are you?

Girl: I'm Guyanese, Irish, Indian, and German.

Guy: So you're a mutt.

Girl: yup and damn proud of it too!
by kittieex3 November 25, 2010
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