19 definitions by kire

Slang for Tylenol PM - and the similar generic store-brand variations of the same - when used as a recreational drug.

Contains diphenhydramine and acetaminophen - the latter should be avoided. It's *really* bad for you when used in excessive amounts.

I doesn't contain dextromethorphan, so it's not technically a robotrip, but roughly similar.

Nonetheless, you can get high off this stuff. Tastes kinda frosty-minty and strong.
It's blue - it's liquid - and you can buy it in almost any drugstore.

A cheap and legal high - Blue Crack.

It's HELLA dangerous, though, because of the acetaminophen. Try something else!!!
by kire October 23, 2007
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Holding a job.

Having to work.

Going to school.


Sadly, the vast majority of us are in slavery, whether it be based upon the necessity of a college degree, the expecation that one be in a lifelong relationship, need for financial resources (money), religious beliefs, social viewpoints, or whatever pointless reason.

It's very sad, but very true.
by kire August 23, 2007
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An abbreviation for "LaserDisc", an obsolete 1980s video disc format, almost entirely eclipsed by VHS tapes and DVDs.
Damn, that LD is as big as a (bleeping) LP!
You mean a record?
Yeah, a record. LOL
by kire May 8, 2006
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A social networking site, similar to myspace, et. al that is usable ONLY by certain college students and highschoolers. In other words, a private little elitest club for students afraid to leave their campuses, even online. Hard to believe, but there are interesting people in this world who aren't in college! -crowd gasps-
Dude, facebook is cooler than myspace - there's no ads!

I shoulda written that essay instead of facebooking last night.
by kire April 24, 2006
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Adult Alternative; See "Adult Contemporary".

This is basically the same stuff as Adult Contemporary.

Again, these are watered-down blah tunes for those who wish to think they're just too darn mature to listen to some good music and/or are afraid of offending someone by playing something more hip.

Can be viewed on VH1 or heard on your local easy-listening station.

The musicians of Adult Alternative bands are said by some to be down-to-earth individuals who dress modestly and are the kind you'd run into in a supermarket.

Bands such as Coldplay, U2, Nickleback, Lifehouse, Maroon 5, Dave Matthews Band, etcetera fall under the Adult Alternative genre.

These bands and this music are NOT to be confused with actual genre known as "Alternative," nor should it be confused with Grunge or Indie music.
by kire July 27, 2007
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This term, commonly used by college-age students, is someone you share a house with (or, less commonly, an apartment).

These people were, to my knowledge, formerly known as "roommates," in virtually all contexts.

Housemate seems to be merely one of the many trendy terms being tossed around these days.

Here are possible reasons for this word's existence:

A) Perhaps it's supposed to have less of the negative stigma that the word "roommate" seems to carry with it.

B) Also possible is that roommate implies a closer relationship/friendship than simply housemate.
John, Dave, and Bill were looking for another housemate to share in the rent.

That guy across the hall, he's my housemate.
by kire August 20, 2007
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A sickeningly cute and sappy form of the word "husband".

This is a word to be avoided at all costs, never to be spoken, and will hopefully someday disappear from human vocabulary.

It's not cute, it's not endearing, and it's not sweet.

Seriously, it sounds f'ing STUPID when you say it. It smacks of middle-aged domesticity, desperate girls, homebody-military wives, and worthless people.

In addition, you sound EXTREMELY uneducated and hick-ish. Girls, do yourselves a huge favor - boycott this word.
I swear, every time you even think about saying this word you're setting women's rights back twenty years.
"That guy I married, he's my hubby."

"Oh, isn't my hubby a cutie??? I just love him!"

"I'd better do what my hubby says, he knows best"
by kire August 22, 2007
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