26 definitions by king kong NINJA

A bittersweet recognition offered to another person who has acheived something that deserves good will and praise but nonetheless fills you with a degree of sadness for the achievment's not being in line with your own selfish wants.
Congratalamentations on getting that girl i had a crush on's number.
by king kong NINJA October 13, 2006
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an italian loan word meaning goodbye. if said by anyone who isn't from italy, it actually means, i think i'm better than you and act pretentious all the time because i think i'm much more interesting than i am. it usually is an invitation to punch them in the face before they leave so long as it isn't used ironically.
oh, i forwarded you the MOST interesting article from the latest issue of harper's. Gotta run, i'm late for my book club. ciao.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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They told him he'd never make it in the adult industry without a dutch.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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a euphimism for the menstrual period of a woman. similar in that it leaves destruction in its wake and can make those opposed to it feel like they have a cachet of nuclear weapons pointed at them at all times.
no i've been pretty nice to her this weekend. the red army's on the march and i don't want to stir up any wrath.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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the opposite of what is intended happening or being presented.
A SUV with a bumper sticker that says keep earth green.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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the whole subculture is at best a misguided resignation to irony and at worst a conscious attempt at absurdist elitism.
That hipster over there is laughing for all the wrong reasons at Blazing Saddles.
by king kong NINJA October 13, 2006
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steel reserve is an adjectival noun describing the feeling induced by or causing the imbibement of steel reserve high gravity 40oz. malt liqour. the drunkedness is a particular heavy one, the type which leads to you thinking it'd be funny to let your girlfriend in on that half-joke you have in your head about how you've always wanted to do her fat friend just "out of curiosity" Also the desire to achieve this state. Generally not giving a fuck.
i've been stuffing envelopes all day and my girlfriend was seen smoking weed with her ex. i'm feeling pretty steel reserve.

or oh i'm so steel reserve right now, i'm about to dance on the table.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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