9 definitions by kikumbob

1. The result of an attempt at drawing a circle with just a pencil.

2. A mythical shape that resembles both a square and a circle at exactly the same time. This is both impossible and extremly stressful to attempt to draw. It is much like drawing a four-sided triangle.
1. "Dude, use this compass else you'll end up drawing squircles again."

2. Stupid Idiot: "Ive done it! Ive drawn the mythical squircle!"

Friend of stupid idiot: "No, thats yet another square with rounded edges."
by kikumbob October 10, 2005
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A word to be used when you are politely annoyed and can't think of the right word to say, thus confusing other people and giving you time to think.
Berty: Ah, but you can't give Mr. Richards your coursework if you have a detention with our head. If you want I can give it to him?

Ted: No! I need to get my mobile back from him before the end of term! This is the only chance!

Berty: But if you miss this detention you will be kept in for another day to fulfill it.

Ted: ....Moofle!

Berty: ...What the fuck?
by kikumbob September 17, 2005
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